General Manager
Delta-Montrose Electric Association
Biographical Sketch: Dan McClendon is the General Manager of
Delta-Montrose Electric Association. DMEA is a pioneer in the promotion of fuel cells and geoexchange HVAC systems.
The cooperative has been featured in “Business Week” and has earned the Sustainability Award from the University of Colorado’s Wirth Chair. In 2006 DMEA was awarded the EPA Energy Star Outreach Award. In 2007, Dan was appointed by Colorado Governor Ritter to chair SB91 effort to map Colorado’s renewable resources. Recently DMEA received NRECA’s national Community Service Award promoting energy efficiency.
Dan has worked in the industry for 30 years in both distribution and generation. Dan is a strong advocate for energy conservation and efficiency. He holds business degrees from CSU and BYU.
Colorado State RES Experience Roundtable